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Deeper by Dane Ortlund

Our current recommended reading is Deeper by Dane Ortlund.   We are also recommending the linked shorter title How does God Change Us? 


Both titles are available via the Church Bookstall. To be sure of a copy then email and make sure you say which one you want! 


Current expected prices are in the region of £14 for Deeper (a hardback) and £5.50 for How does God Change Us? 


What's the difference between the two books? 

Basically - one (How does God Change Us?) is a shorter, summary version of the other, Deeper.   


The preface to the books says, "each exploration of a subject will appear in two versions, a full volume and a concise one.  The concise treatments are like shorter, guided tours; they stick to the main streets and move on fast.  You may find, (if you choose the shorter book) that at the end you still have questions or want to explore some more: in that case the fuller volume will take you further up and further in. 


If you want to avoid buying both - you might want to take the risk and buy the bigger book first! 

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